Booking terms & conditions

This page sets out the terms and conditions of bookings and membership with the Verulam Wine Tasting Club.

Membership subscription

The membership subscription, (currently £10), is reviewed each year and runs from 1st September to 31st August.

Cancellations - membership subscription

Cancellation of membership is by e-mail to or by choosing not to renew when invited to do so.


General terms for event bookings

The standard price for a 'regular' event is £18 (for members) and £22 (for guests), rising up to £20 (for members) and £25 (for guests) for “premium” events.

Invitations for members to apply for places are made via an event letter e-mailed by the Membership Secretary approximately 3 weeks before an event. As the Club now has a large membership, bookings for guests will not be open until a week before the tasting and guest places will only be dependent on any remaining availability.  There is a one member one guest policy, but depending on numbers and circumstances the committee does reserve the right to make an exception if it is in the interests of the Club to take additional guests.

Members are strongly encouraged to book places before the application deadline by making the appropriate electronic payment (see bank details below) and then e-mailing the Membership Secretary (from the email account to which the member's subscription is related) with the following information:-

For electronic payments, the VWTC Bank Account details are:-

 The Reference field should allow the treasurer to identify what the payment is for.  For example:

If you are booking for 2 people for a tasting in November or for a Club trip to Italy:  2*Nov or 2*Italy. 

With a guest:  1*Nov & guest

You only need to give a name in the reference field if you are booking for a member whose name does not appear as an account holder:  Nov Smith&Jones

If your bank is one of the few which does not allow you to change the reference each time:

A: Use a different account if you have more than one and complain to the bank, or

B: Change your bank, or

C: Send an email to at the same time as you pay giving the information.

Applications for places are processed on a first-come-first-served basis up to the maximum set for the event which is usually 80 for “regular” events and 96 for the December event.

Waiting lists

Where an event is oversubscribed, the club will manage a waiting list.

Cancellations - events

Payments for events are non-refundable, but if more than 24 hours notice is given, and the club has not incurred any irrecoverable costs, a refund or credit note will be given.

Paperless bookings

The entire booking process is paperless.

End of booking terms & conditions.